Day Thirteen - How often do you see each other?

Seeing that we started the relationship the relationship via online, and till now we’re still separated with distance, so we don’t really see each other too often. We wish we could do that, and hopefully we’ll be able to do it sooner.

There is skype and webcam indeed. We would spend hours and hours, chatting in skype. Infact we did talked via skype for 18 hours straight. So far it's the longest record that we had. And I'm glad, we never get bored or run out of topics to talk about. But when it comes to using the webcam, in some ways, technology isn’t really in our sides. There’s always technical problem here and there. It’s either the internet breaks down, skype being retarded or blackout. In the end, we can’t really see each other too often.

Due living in two different continents (Europe and Asia) and not to mention different strength of currency, we can’t really see each other in real life too often. There was three times where he visited me and the last one when we finally tied the knot. The last trip was so far the best one for me. It’s because we could spend time together, in two months. Eventhough there were little bumps here and there, but I had a lot of fun with him. So when the two months was over, it was so hard to let him go.

Hopefully the next trip would be the last one for us to be separated again. I really miss him a lot.

P.S to Mr. Troll: Happy relationship miniversary sweety~ we have reached our 2nd episode (a.ka months) in our 5th season. I really miss you ow so much. Hope to be with you again, soon~


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