Day Twelve - Your song?

To be honest, eventhough we both like music, we don’t have any songs that can be considered as our song.  We sometimes like to share some songs, usually in different genre. But most of the songs that we like to share are usually jazzy music.

Anyway, I guess we have two songs that are kinda special to us. The songs were “Human Hands” by Sondre Lerche and “Stars are Blind” by Paris Hilton. The reason why this song is special is because we did sing it to each other. I sang to him “Stars are Blind”, and he sang me “Human Hands”.  Honestly, I don’t remember why I chose the song. Probably it’s because of the lyrics. As for him, I think he said the lyrics resembled the situation that I had back then.

Hmmm…yah, that’s it pretty much~

P.S: not too interesting post, isn’t it?


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