Day Fourteen - What do you think of his friends?

In some ways, I feel bad after reading the question. It’s because…I don’t know how to answer this question. After not knowing much about his family, this time I don’t know much about his friends either. This is why I feel bad for not knowing the answer.

I know he has one best friend, who is a girl. It’s interesting to know this, since I found it kinda rare to find a guy who has a girl as a best friend. As for the best friend, she can be as sarcastic as he can…but in a girl level. So in some ways, she can be scarier…I guess. I remember the first time I talked to her…and it was an interview. I felt if it were a real-life interview, I don’t think I would be able to do it.

Anyway, other than her, he lives in a house with 3 other people. Two are girls and one is a guy. Other than that, he has some friends in inet; I know some of them since I am also friends with them. So yah...there you go~

P.S: Happy wedding miniversary sweety~ too bad we can't celebrate it together ne? Hopefully we can celebrate wedding anniversary instead. Love ya mucho~


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