Day Two - How did he ask you to be his?

(this would be a long brace yourself!)

For this one, it happened kinda surprising…kinda. To be honest, neither of us thought far about it. We really love our conversations; we like our compatibilities; and of course we like the time that we have spent so far.

The whole confession happened not in a romantic way, ow not at all. And it has a sorta different story from my side and his side. From my side, it all started from a friend’s confession. She suddenly asked me whether it was okay to approach him since she had a crush on him. Before she asked me the question, I always thought I didn’t have a feeling or whatsoever. But the question made me think…”do I really not have a feeling at all at him? Or I actually do?” And apparently the answer was, yes…I do have a feeling for him.

After knowing that, I told my friend that I don’t think it’s okay for her to make the approach, because I just realised that I actually like him. Then I asked her not to develop a deeper feeling toward him. Now thinking about it, I guess was being selfish. I should have let her develop the feeling and we should have competed fairly. But to be honest, I was feeling totally insecure back then.

So when I noticed my friend was still making an approach toward him, I was upset. I asked her why she did that, when I’ve asked her not to. She answered that it’s hard to dismiss a feeling, after you have it. I was really upset, and I told her she could go approach him if she wanted to. After that I decided to log off from MSN (back then we used it a lot). I even had a thought of not going online anymore. But then a thought popped in my head, I won’t give up without a fight.

In the end, I decided to go back online. Right after I got back online, he started the chat. When we chatted, the chat was kinda awkward. Honestly, I was worried. I had a thought that he was about to reject me or something. Until he suddenly became quiet after I asked him a question. I was really worried, but I was prepared for the worst. And when he finally talked again, I was surprised. He confessed to me that he has feeling towards me as well, a special feeling. I never knew that he would have the same feeling with me, when I thought he might choose my friend (whom I think prettier and better than me). After he confessed to me, he then asked me to be his girlfriend and made me the happiest girl in the world…ever.


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