Day Three - Your first memory with him?

Honestly this is kind of confusing. If it’s the first memory that I had of him, then it must be the first time when I knew about him. At first I knew him not in a good way. Back then, I was a part of the forum crew where we met. In that forum, I almost never heard any good opinions on him. So I thought he was a troll, dickhead or something like that. But it doesn’t mean that there was nobody would tell good opinions on him. There were some people who had good opinions on him, but not many.

But the one memory that made me interested with him…was when we had a group convo in MSN with other members of the crew. He was the only one who could stand up and stated his own opinion, and wasn’t being politically correct at all. Eventhough everyone else hated his guts and were ganged up to ignore him, he couldn’t care less.

That was his attitude alright~

I was impressed with him. Before that, there was one time where he cracked a non-politically correct joke in the group convo. Some were not impressed, but there were few who laughed on the joke. And I was one of them. Honestly, it was a funny joke. 

Until now, he still likes to crack up some jokes, and some of them aren’t politically correct but they’re still funny. After getting lots of misunderstanding about him, I’m glad I decided to get to know him more. Behind that troll attitude, there is a very sweet, caring, wonderful and amazing guy after all.

Love and miss him ever so much~


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