Day Ten - Why is your relationship different than others?

Trying to find how different our relationship with others, in some ways, is kinda hard. We both love and care each other very much, just like other couples. We also have long lasting long-distance relationship, which eventhough not many LDR couples could do it, there are some who could do it even longer than us. So that’s not really special or different.

Hmmm...I guess if I think more about it, the reason that our relationship is different than others is because of many coincidences that happened between us. The whole stuffs were and still are interesting yet unexplainable. But most definitely, they were the ones that tightened our feelings and minds on the relationship.

The first one would be coincidences that happened before we were in relationship. From all the coincidences that happened to us, I guess the one that was really memorable and special would be when we finally talked. As I told it before in how we got to talk, we met up in a forum. Not until I decided to be a part of the forum crew, that I had the chance to get his MSN username. ..vice versa.

But even after having each other’s MSN usernames, we didn’t talk to each other. The funny thing is…he kept adding my MSN username every time he changed his. Until now, I still find that was weird since it wasn’t really him to do that yet he did that to me. After a year or so of doing that, then happen the wallpaper incident. It just so happened he shown off all these wallpapers that he has in a different forum, where I joined too though I didn’t know that he joined as well (another coincidence). So when I was looking for the wallpaper, I decided to ask him. Well I’m sure you know what happened next.

There were other coincidences that happened in our 5 years of relationship, but I guess the latest one happened before our wedding day. It happened after we got back from our date. I made a mistake on being bad mood, which made him bad mood...which is even worse than me. We didn’t have any argument, just being silent at each other. It was unpleasant indeed. Later on, I felt guilty and tried to apologise. But he didn’t say anything. In the end I asked him, whether he wanted me to go instead (we were in his room at that time). Surprisingly he said yes, he preferred me to go home instead. I was shocked and hurt. But when I walked outside of his room, I realised it was raining cats and dogs. I also just noticed that I didn’t bring my umbrella, especially when it was supposed to be dry season where there is less rain. Being sad and hurt, I didn’t know what to do. So I decided to go back to his room, and told him I couldn’t go home because of rain.

To make it short, because of the rain, we patched our relationship again. I told him I was sorry and promised not to do it again. On the other hand, he felt bad as well for letting me go. Later, we found out that the rain has stopped right after we forgave each others.  I guess it was just another coincidence that happened to us. Until now, I’m still grateful and thankful for every coincidence that happened between us. It felt as if someone or something really wants us to be together, and that someone/something really shown us the way.


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