Day Nine - Inside joke!

In some ways, this question is kinda hard. I know that we have some inside jokes, where we like to use them at each other. But when I try to remember the jokes, I can’t really remember them. I guess it’s one of those muscle memory thingie.

So far I only remember two inside jokes that we like to use. The first one would be, the good with the hands joke. The joke started when my mom was teaching him how to weave ketupat. Apparently he was good in weaving the ketupat. Noticing that, my mom praised him by saying that he’s good with his hands. When I heard that, I almost burst out my drink while he was giving me this…teasing look. The reason why we did that was because before that I did praise him for being good with his hands. But…it was for a different thing, not related to weaving…most definitely….

you don't want to know...dududu~

After that, the joke happened again when we were in family trip. He was helping my aunt and mom, cooking fried banana in the kitchen. As he was helping them, my aunt praised him for being good with his hands. Again after my aunt said that, he looked at me teasingly while saying, “your aunt said, I was good with my hands.” I couldn’t help it to giggle. Ever since that, we like to use that joke for time to time.

As for second joke, it’s the cherry popper joke. Maybe some people will get this one, since it’s not that subtle. It all started when we had dinner. Every time I had a drink with cherry in it, he would ask for the cherry, since I never eat it. Now at that time, I ordered a drink which apparently has cherry in it. And like usual he asked whether he could have the cherry. So I let him having it. While he was eating the cherry, I joked around on how he likes to pop cherries indeed. The reason why I joke that…was because…well…he also…

Ya know, nevermind~ *walk away awkwardly

Look! dancing cat!


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