Day Five - Your favourite gift he gave you?

Maybe this sounds cliché, but I love every gifts that he gave to me. Even the bunny ears hair band…and yes he did give me a bunny ears hair band, silly yet cute. Though he should buy me cat ears instead, after all I'm a cat rather than a bunny.

I has computer-nyaa~

Hmmm…I guess if I could choose one favourite gift…hmmm…yeah, it’s hard.  Let’s see…I guess if I have to choose one, it would be the pendant necklace. The pendant is shaped of heart with diamonds on its surface. At first I thought those diamonds were fake ones, since I know diamonds are expensive and all. Other than that, I never expected that he would buy me real diamond pendant. It was my mom who told me that the diamonds are real. According to her if the diamonds weren’t real; they won’t be as glitter as the real ones. After knowing that, I was really surprised. When I told him about it, he just laughed.

As for necklace, he bought me a different necklace than the one that came with the pendant. Both the necklace and the pendant are made of silver. He decided to buy me a white gold necklace instead. He said the reason is because he knows I like white gold instead yellow gold. But of course white gold necklace and diamonds encrusted pendant are very expensive. So what he did, he just bought white gold necklace for the replacement of the silver necklace. It was very sweet.

I guess the biggest reason why I consider it as my favourite, it’s because of the reason that he gave me. When I asked him, why he chose the necklace, his answer was very sweet. “The heart represents my heart which I gave you to keep. And the diamonds represent all the reasons why I love you,” he said. And I melted after he said that. Ain't he the sweetest~?

Kyaaaaa~ *can'thandleallthesweetness


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